“Sleeping is Living” by The Red Book
Let me introduce you to the debut double-album “Sleeping is Living” by my studio project I call The Red Book: psych-prog-space rock that will take you into, through, and out the other side of its sonic dreamscape. One fan described it as “Pink Floyd meets Hendrix through a Sabbath filter.”
All music was written, performed, mixed, mastered, and produced by me, except for the awesome contributions by guest drummers Andi Preen and Darryl Dimaggio.
I released it in November of 2020 on bandcamp.com, then spent the first half of 2021 remixing and remastering it, and re-released it as the new version in August 2021 on all major streaming platforms. You can listen to it on YouTube here.
I am intending to print it on CD and eventually on vinyl — stay tuned. If you would like a free digital copy please write me an email at “dan (at) theredbookmusic (dot) com” and I’ll be glad to send you a download code.
For more info please go to theredbookmusic.com and primamateriarecords.com, and follow on Instagram.
Thanks for checking it out and play it loud!